The Evolution: NextGEN

The name "EvolveAI" stands for the Evolution, from basic apes to humans and beyond: the Next Gen, the generation of AI & robots

The Evolution is an aspiring project we have been working for a while before the migration; the usage of $EVOAI tokens to become an AI robot from being an Ape & earn rewards or NFTs

In The Evolution, every "player" starts with their monkey, one age 0. Powering the monkey with $EVOAI tokens makes it grow and evolve to the next phase, evolving until reaching the Human. Once the Human is reached after days of growing, the criature is ready to evolve to the Next Generation: the AI-Robots

In order to make the process faster, players must power their monkeys with bigger amounts of $EVOAI tokens

Holders can claim $EVOAI rewards based on a random % of APR on each phase & restart their creature to a monkey or make them grow until reaching their maximum evolution or evolve them to an AI-robot

In this last phase, from Human to AI-robot, holders get a random NextGEN NFT, which has different rarities & different attributes. These rarities, attributes & NFT designs are generated by AI

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